And you are only here, in the world for a fraction of a second. And while alive, you wait in vain, wasting years, for a phone call or a letter or a look. And it never comes. And so you spend your time in vague, hope that something good will come along. Something to make you feel loved. I feel so angry, so fucking sad, I’ve felt so fucking hurt for so fucking long.
The spectators, wearing wireless headphones, isolated behind a glass wall, watch the performance that is taking place out in the street. At the same time, they hear the thoughts of the performers, and the voice of an invisible narrator who leads them to the details of the final days of their lives.
Direction: blitz theatre group Dramaturgy: blitz theatre group Νikos Flessas Costumes: Eva Manidaki Aimilia Kakourioti Light Design: Tassos Palaioroutas Photos: Giorgos Makkas
Performers: Aris Armaganidis Thanassis Demiris Siamak Etemadi Maria Filini Emilia Kakourioti Vaso Kamaratou Eleni Karagiorgi Elina Loukou Ifigenia Makri Marialena Mamareli Angeliki Marinou Michalis Mathioudakis Angeliki Papoulia Christos Passalis Fidel Talaboukas Syllas Tzoumerkas Giorgos Valais and the voice of Aggeliki Papathemeli
Production: Athens and Epidaurus Festival / blitz theatre group / BIOS
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